Friday 16 December 2011

Yoghurt Sauce for Christmas Pudding

There’s a limit to how much stodge I can eat at Christmas time though, to be fair, I could manage quite a bit more at this standpoint.

This is so much more refreshing than brandy butter or cream and really complements a rich Christmas pudding without being low-fat-skinny virtuous (which nobody wants at this time of year).

200g Greek Yoghurt
5tbs Skimmed Milk
Juice of ½ a lemon
Pinch Cinnamon
2tbs Honey

Mix together. That’s it. 

Hot Christmas pudding that is far too hot to eat. Cold sauce. Heaven.  The first Christmas I made this I was with a Canadian boy called Owen. We had decided to rent a house on the Suffolk coast for the holiday. It was literally across the road from the beach. Owen thought a skinny dip on New Year’s Eve would bring good luck. I loved him and was stupid. We undressed in the house and ran across the road screaming with exhilaration. Then we hit the water and it was like being lacerated with glass. I will never forget the pain of entering water that had been chilled for months by Arctic winds. Our willies shrunk to Lilliputian proportions and we limped back across the road to the house. Never again. It took literally hours to stop hurting.

Just to get the image of the shrunken willies out of your mind (I certainly want it out of mine) – another Christmas combination to distract you: If you don’t like Christmas cake (the proper stuff with marzipan and icing), have it with a decent sized piece of Wensleydale cheese. The chalkiness chimes against the richness.  You’ll find yourself looking forward to it by early November.

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