Friday 2 December 2011

Black Cows (for Justin Bieber)

My boss and a colleague are maintaining a fantasy about Justin Bieber. It’s rather different from my fantasies about him as it involves giving him (and I quote): “A roundhouse kick in his midget face”
Tut tut!

So I said my next post would be for Justin – but I know nothing about him so I was trying to think about what he might like and I came up with this. Note – not because it can be enjoyed with no teeth in case their wish ever comes true but because I loved these as a boy. We used to call them Coke Floats though I haven’t seen one sold anywhere since.

I rediscovered the recipe in an old cookbook I found in a thrift store in the States, called Socials & Soirees. There’s a chapter called “Vicksburg Coca Cola Party”. (Sponsored by whom I wonder??) I give you the recipe verbatim:

1 gallon vanilla ice cream
10 x 10 ounce bottles coca cola

Place 2 scoops ice cream in each of sixteen 10 ounce glasses. Pour cola over ice cream. Yield: 16 servings.

Simple – except  I have no idea where you get 10 ounce bottles of coca cola, or what you do with the other 14 glasses once you and Justin have had yours. I’ll leave it to you to work out the metric conversion and the scaling down.

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