Monday 26 December 2011

Boxing Day Ham with Watercress Salsa

Boxing Day – the Feast of St Stephen, is still a feast day. But I’ve had my fill of food roasted in goose fat, of mince pies, cake, puddings and chocolate. A ham at Christmas is still traditional, but the salsa gives it a zippy freshness that really lifts it.

1 Kg Gammon ham
1 Onion
3 Carrots
1 bulb fennel
Some parsley stalks
5 or 6 peppercorns
3 Bay leaves

Watercress Salsa
A small bunch each flat leaved parsley & mint
A decent bunch Watercress
2 cloves garlic
½  a bulb fennel
2 tbsp capers
1 tbsp Dijon mustard
2 tbsp lemon juice
Olive oil

I’m spending New Year’s Eve with Lowell (the curious straight boy). He lives on the Isle of Wight and I believe our best Watercress comes from Hampshire so this is getting me in the mood.

Choose a ham. Smoked or unsmoked is up to you – I’m going for unsmoked as I don’t want the ham fighting with this amazing sauce.Cover it with water in a deep pan with the onion (halved but unpeeled), carrots, fennel, parsley stalks, peppercorns and bay leaves. Simmer it gently for half an hour or so. I like to let it rest in the water for another half an hour or so, once it’s done.

To make the salsa, finely chop the mint, parsley, watercress, garlic and fennel – a food processor would be a good cheat but you’re looking for finely chopped rather than pureed. Drizzle some oil over to bind it. Add the capers, lemon juice and mustard and mix in. Drizzle in more olive oil until it makes a sloppy sauce. Taste it – it might need more lemon juice.

This is lovely spooned over hot or cold ham. Your boy will love it in sandwiches too. These few days after Christmas are sandwich heaven for him as the fridge is full of amazing possibilities. If you love him, have some decent bread to hand and let him knock himself out.

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