Monday 21 October 2013

Preserved Salsa

We both like dipping kettle chips in salsa. I say dipping, but mean loading them up. This isn’t the fresh pico di gallo kind. It’s preserved, to keep us going through winter. You can buy it anywhere but this is made from the last of this year’s tomatoes. We don’t have quite enough so we have added a few ripe vine tomatoes from our local Turkish grocer. We’re also using scotch bonnet peppers as we like it spicy, though it will calm down in the jar.

2kg ripe tomatoes
4 green peppers
1 large onion
3 cloves garlic
4 scotch bonnet chillies
A handful chopped coriander, stalks included
2bsp salt
1tsp cumin
1 litre vinegar
1tbsp sugar

The only painful part is peeling the tomatoes.  Cut a cross into each one and pour boiling water over. The skins should split and shrink back so you can peel them. Send the boy to the compost bin with the skins. Deseed the chillies- they will be hot enough and they will add a fruity flavour to the salsa.

Roughly chop the onion, garlic, pepper, chillies and coriander and place in the food processor. Whizz to break everything up and add the tomatoes. Blitz again but keep it chunky.

Pour into a pan along with the cumin, salt, sugar and vinegar. Stir and bring to the boil. It needs to reduce to salsa thickness. Maybe an hour.

Once it’s done ladle into sterilised jars and wait to hear the satisfying pop as the jars form a vacuum.

We both like fresh salsa and this is different, but equally good.  It’s perfect for watching black and white films on a rainy February afternoon. The boy likes It as a base for bruschetta, before topping with fresh tomatoes. Either way, having half a dozen jars in the cupboard to see us through the cold months is a comfort. Highly recommended for watching DVDs of Casablanca or Citizen Kane with a bowl of salt and black pepper kettle chips for scooping.

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