Thursday 24 October 2013

British Raj Cucumber Salad

This is from a book about the British Raj. The book says cucumbers were native to northern India and that the rainy season varieties were the best. As it is always the rainy season in Britain, I’m assuming the kind we usually get will be good.

1 cucumber
1 onion
¼ inch ginger
1 green chilli
1 salt spoon pepper

Peel the cucumber and slice it. This came with the organic box so I might as well make the most of it.  Sprinkle with salt to draw some of the water out. The recipe recommends pushing a plate down on the cucumber to speed this up. Pour away the water that gathers. It doesn’t suggest that you get rid of the salt, but I think you should give the slices a wipe with some kitchen towel.

Slice the onion into thin rings. Red onion is preferable. Mince the ginger and chilli. The ginger and chilli is what makes this really interesting.

Mix the cucumber with the ginger and chilli and sprinkle the pepper over. No idea what a salt spoon is but assume it’s tiny. Maybe 2 big pinches of pepper. I think white pepper.

Layer the onion rings on top and sprinkle with vinegar. A whole onion seems a bit too much so adjust as you see fit. I’m using white wine vinegar.

The boy thinks this would be nice as a picnic salad with egg mayonnaise or cheese and tomato sandwiches. I think he sees all food as falling into one of three categories:
 1) A Sandwich.
 2) A potential sandwich filling.
 3) Something that would be nice to have with a sandwich.

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