Friday 14 June 2013

Chilli Vinegar

This is a Jamie Oliver recipe from his American road trip. I have one or two Louisiana cookbooks and they all mention this stuff so I’m having a go.

350ml bottle white wine vinegar
2 or 3 chillies
2 fresh bay leaves
2tsp caster sugar

I’d like to use Habaneros but wouldn’t get them through the neck of the bottle so I’m using birds eye chillies. I’m using 4. Prick them with a knife.

Pour out a little of the vinegar to make space and pop the chillies in. Scrunch up the bay leaves and add them too. Our bay tree died last summer but there’s a pub near us that has three massive ones in pots so I get the boy to purloin a couple of leaves each time he passes on his way home from work. He won’t like this recipe though he’s happy to do the purloining. Especially under the cover of darkness.

The caster sugar is optional though I’m assuming Jamie added it to the recipe for a reason. Leave for a couple of weeks to infuse and there you go.

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