Wednesday 4 January 2012

Hot as a Dog's Nose Salsa

Seville oranges are available now and won’t be for long - at least not in the UK. I’ve added some to my weekly organic box just so I can make this sauce. It has the most brilliant name-  in Mexico, the original Spanish is nearly as good: Salsa X-Ni-Pek. It’s supposed to be so hot it will even heat up a dog’s nose.

1 cup chopped tomatoes, unpeeled
½ cup finely chopped red onion
½ cup chopped coriander
1 Habanero chilli or Scotch bonnet, finely chopped
½ cup Seville orange juice
Salt to taste

Two things: Firstly the Seville orange season is so short that I’m making the most of this and am going to double the recipe up (the amounts above are for a single serve). Secondly, regular oranges aren’t remotely the same.

Tomatoes will have to be imported at this time of year but I buy them on the vine at my local Turkish grocers. The onion and coriander also come from there but the Scotch Bonnet comes from the North African butcher's on the High Rd. A milder chilli will not suffice!

It’s simplicity itself to make. Mix in a bowl. Done!

It’s best eaten straightaway but will survive in the fridge for 3 days. It will perk up pretty much anything you have it with. I’m tempted by Guacamole and some dipping chips. This may not be your boy’s thing. Lucky you if it isn’t.

Make him his own version using Jalapenos, adding a clove of finely chopped garlic and replacing the orange juice with a good squeeze of fresh lime juice and you’ll both be happy. It really won’t be that much more effort as you’re using mostly the same ingredients. And it will show him that you care. His version is known as Pico de Gallo, which mean’s Rooster’s Beak. I think the heat is meant to be like a sharp peck. He will no doubt want to change ‘Rooster’ to ‘Cock’. Let him. It’s easier.

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