Tuesday 18 November 2014

Meatballs with Spinach & Chickpeas

There is never a day when the boy doesn’t want meatballs. The spinach and chickpeas are part of the deal.

750g minced lamb
1 onion, grated
1/2tsp cumin
Salt & pepper
Vegetable oil
500g raw spinach
1tbsp unsalted butter
420g can chickpeas
1 garlic cloves, crushed
220ml yoghurt
1tsp dried mint
1/2tsp paprika

To set the mood I put on a CD of a well-known Arabic diva. The boy rushes in, asking if the cat is in pain. Ha ha.

Mix together the minced meat, onion, cumin and salt and pepper and roll into small balls – about walnut sized.  Fry them in a little oil in batches, so they don’t overcrowd. They only need to be browned on the outside as they will cook a bit more later. Drain them on kitchen paper and set aside.

In another large pan, add the spinach. I just give it a quick wash and leave the water that clings to the leaves and cook on a low heat with the lid on. That way you don’t need any extra water. It only needs a couple of minutes. Drain and rinse the chickpeas. I find it supremely satisfying to soak dried chickpeas but I didn’t decide to do this long enough in advance. Add the chickpeas to the spinach and season well. Stir it all up and then add the meatballs. Give it a gentle stir and put the lid on.

I give it about 5 minutes – which is time to make the yoghurt sauce. Put the yoghurt in a bowl – I’m deliberately (but not authentically) using one with pouring consistency rather than the good thick Turkish kind. Crush in the garlic and add the dried mint. Mix it well. Just before serving, sprinkle on the paprika.

Plate up the meatball mix – I like mine the traditional way with the yoghurt served on top but the boy likes his on the side as a dip. We’re having ours with flatbreads for all the mopping up. I’d like a tomato and mint salad but the boy points out the spinach is more than enough healthiness for one day.

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