Monday 4 June 2012

Garden-work Gazpacho

We’re both working in the garden, trying to get it ready for Summer. We have a radio tuned to Radio 4 and a big jug of iced grape flavour Kool-Aid. Still, it’s hard work and a cold soup seems like the right thing for lunch. I made it first thing so it would have time to chill while we’re digging and hoeing.

1.25kg ripe tomatoes
3 spring onions, sliced
1 medium cucumber
1 green and one red pepper, deseeded
3 garlic cloves
4tbsp sherry vinegar
6tbsp extra virgin olive oil
Sea salt & freshly ground pepper
½  tsp cayenne

Chopped black olives
Chopped spring onion
Chopped parsley
More freshly ground pepper
A big pinch of chilli flakes

So easy, but the freshness of the ingredients is critical. Our own tomatoes aren’t even nearly ready but we bought them on the vine from our local Turkish supermarket. The ripeness is everything so we’ve chosen them carefully.

It’s 9am. He’s drinking his coffee. I’m putting all the veg in the food processor and blending. Get it really smooth. The oil is trickled though the funnel, as is the vinegar. Season very liberally and chill. It needs at least 4 hours to settle down in the fridge. Add a little water if it’s too thick.

Chop up the garnish and mix together.

 Once the soup is cold, taste again and add more salt, pepper or vinegar if it needs it. Being chilled, it needs more seasoning than usual. Sprinkle on the garnish when you’re ready to serve it. This time we’re having it in glasses rather than bowls.

The boy is raking up cut grass. He looks so handsome in his short sleeved T-shirt. Hand him a pint-sized glass of this with a spoon. There are dozens of ways to make Gazpacho - all of them good. This is today's way.

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