Monday 18 June 2012

Broad Bean & Ricotta Bruschette

An awesome starter from the Polpo restaurant in Soho. We have our own young broad beans and I think few things are more satisfying than podding them.

2 large handful podded broad beans
4tbsp olive oil and more for the toast
1 lemon, zested and  its juice
15 mint leaves, chopped
Flaky sea salt and black pepper
4 slices sourdough bread
½ clove garlic
6tbsp ricotta cheese

The boy is outside picking the mint. I’m putting on a CD of Bach cantatas.

Boil the broad beans  for 5 minute, drain and re-fill the pan with cold water to stop them cooking. Peel the outer skins off.

Put the beans in a bowl and dress them with the lemon juice, most of the zest, the mint and the salt and pepper.

Toast the bread – ideally it will have a few charred crunchy bits on the outside will still be slightly soft in the middle. Really thick slices will help.

Rub one side of each slice of toast with the garlic and then drizzle with olive oil.

Season the ricotta with the salt and pepper and mash it lightly with a fork. Spread on the toast and top with the broad bean. Top with the remaining mint.

This turns out to be the perfect late afternoon snack for the boy, though it would usually be a great starter.

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