Monday 23 December 2013

Celery Rosti with Poached Eggs

The celery is the star here so use some good stuff. Fenlander is the ideal variety – thank God for farmers markets

4 sticks celery
1 bunch coriander
1 large waxy potato, peeled
Salt & pepper
Green Tabasco
½ tsp cayenne
Olive oil for frying
4 slices goat’s cheese, 1cm thick
4 free range organic eggs

The celery and the potato need grating, so perhaps the food processor if it has a grating disc. If so try to leave any excess liquid behind .I’m squeezing it all in a clean tea towel.  Chop the coriander quite finely.

Get the oven hot – 220/Gas 7. Mix the celery, potato and coriander, along with a few drops of the Tabasco and the cayenne. Divide the mix into four, and shape into patties. Let them chill in the fridge for 10 minutes so they firm up.

Heat the olive oil and gently brown the patties on both sides. Turn them over really carefully so they don’t break. About 5 minutes or so. Finish them off in the oven for 15 minutes, turning them once.

Turn on the grill. Place a disc of goats cheese on each of your rostis (or is that rostii?) and grill until the cheese is lightly brown and starting to give. Gets a bit frantic here as you need to poach your eggs at the same time. This is where I could do with the boy helping.

Drain the eggs well and place one on each rosti, and drizzle with just a little green tabasco

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