Saturday 28 September 2013

Home Made Yoghurt

The boy picked up a book in a church jumble sale, about how to make your own yoghurt. It was 5p. He wants us to give it a go. I’ve read his book but am using a slightly more up to date version. A food thermometer will be really useful here.

1 litre full fat milk
65g bio-live yoghurt
Nothing else

As this only has two ingredients, get the best you can. We're using organic milk from Jersey.

Heat the milk in a large pan until it gets to 85C and it starts to bubble at the edges. Pour it into  a very clean bowl. Cleaning a clean bowl has been the boy’s job. We have a Mahler CD playing, that we bought from the same jumble sale for 10p. It will make the yoghurt feel at home. Let it cool down to 45C or just below.Whisk in the yoghurt - this is essentially the starter.

You now need to keep it in a warm place overnight. Next to a radiator would be good, though we’re  putting ours in a flask as we don’t have the heating on yet.

I want to thicken it slightly so I’m draining it through muslin for half an hour, just to get some of the water out. Chill in the fridge for another hour which will firm it up a bit.

I have mashed up some stoned black cherries a few hazel nuts and a little sugar to stir in for the boy but it’s too late. He has already found the yoghurt and added some banana Nesquik powder to his.

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