Tuesday 6 August 2013

Courgette Marmalade

This recipe came with the week’s organic veg box from Abel & Cole. I found it intriguing and simply could not resist, though the boy is less sure.

1kg courgettes
1kg caster sugar
3 lemons. Juice and zest
A good inch of fresh ginger, finely chopped (that’s inch not pinch).

How simple is that, in terms of ingredients. Coarsely grate the courgettes – I’m doing about half of one of the courgettes in julienne so we have a few more chunky shreds. Put everything in a wide saucepan, ideally a preserving pan, along with the sugar and scrunch in your hands until it becomes quite wet.

Put the heat on low, until the sugar dissolves and then whack it up to medium. Let it bubble up and skim off any scum that rises, using a slotted spoon. Hard to say how long it needs to cook, and indeed the recipe doesn't say – ours took about 40 minutes. It will thicken up and look bright and glossy. When you think it’s there, run a wooden spoon across the bottom of the pan. If you can draw a clean line across, it’s ready.

Get the boy to taste and see if it needs adjusting for lemon or ginger. Don’t let him try it straight away as it will be molten hot. He thinks he should make some toast to test it properly, but can he please just get on with it?

Jar it up in clean sterilised jars – ours made 7 jars though some were quite small. It should keep for a year.

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