Sunday 25 August 2013


We’re having rib eye steaks. Last time I had this Argentinian sauce was at Gaucho. It wasn’t that good and couldn't stand up to the steak. This will be better.

A big handful of coriander
2tbsp fresh oregano
4 cloves garlic
1 finely chopped shallot
½ cup of olive oil
2tbsp red wine vinegar
1tbsp lime juice
1 red chilli. Finely chopped
1/2 tsp Maldon sea salt
Freshly ground pepper

I think the red chilli was what I missed. I would add two but the boy won't let me. Parsley is probably more traditional than coriander but I do prefer it. We grow it in a window box outside the kitchen door from April to October.Oregano is harder to get started, but easy to maintain once it gets going.

Chop the herbs and mince the shallot, chilli and garlic. Put in a bowl and cover with the oil, vinegar and lime juice. Add the salt, chilli flakes and a good twist of pepper. Let it rest for a few hours.

 Cook the steaks in a screaming hot ridged skillet. The boy likes his done medium so about 3 minutes a side. While they are resting, pour the chimiuchrri over it. Scoop some of the meat juices over it. It should be oily. He says it would be good on toasted ciabatta with well grilled tomatoes, garlic, salt & pepper. He is the Sandwich Monster so he’s probably right.

Pour the boy a glass of Argentinian Malbec. The steak comes with a side salad of tomatoes, a little cucumber, shallots  and finely chopped parsley, chives and mint. He’s not getting away without having some.

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