Friday 13 June 2014

Mrs Beeton's Toast Sandwich

I’m including this partly as the boy is the sandwich monster and partly because I can’t imagine anything so meagre.

One thin slice cold toast
2 thin slices buttered bread
Salt and pepper

We have a first edition of Mrs Beeton’s “Household Management” with numbered paragraphs. This appears on #1877. It’s described as good for invalids. The boy is not convinced that the salt and pepper will not make this any less meagre. I’m not convinced it offers much in the way of nutrition for invalids.

The boy offers this alternative. Apart from the bread, which came from the farmers market, everything came from a discount supermarket, so it was very cheap

Three slices good country bread, thick sliced. First slice goes down on the chopping board. A couple of slices of German peppered salami. A couple of slices of Gouda. Second slice goes on. Lettuce, sliced tomato and sliced Yorkshire or Wiltshire ham. Mayonnaise. Done!

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