Monday 5 May 2014

English Salad Dressing

I’m pretty pleased to have found this recipe – a British version of French dressing. The boy gets a salad with most meals so it’s nice to rotate the dressing as well as the salad ingredients.

Rapeseed oil
Grated horseradish
English mustard
White wine vinegar

The boy and I like our salad dressing sharp so we have it almost one to one, with perhaps a tablespoon more oil than vinegar. Rapeseed oil is wonderful stuff – much richer than olive oil. My suggestion is:

12tbsp rapeseed oil
9 tbsp white wine vinegar
1tsp mustard
1tsp horseradish.

And of course salt and pepper. The horseradish needs to be fresh – not the creamed stuff that comes in jars. We grow ours in the garden and preserve it in vinegar through the winter.

The boy has made what he calls an English salad to have with it: little gem lettuce, ripe tomatoes and radishes. It’s the sort of salad you would have had in the 50s but the spicy dressing livens it up no end. Personally I can't wait to have it with avocado, mozzarella and tomato.

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