Tuesday 1 January 2013

Nigella's Spaghetti with Marmite

I fished this recipe out for my beautiful sister in law. Coincidentally it is also the boy’s favourite hangover meal. It’s New Year’s Day and, no surprise, he is hung over. The sharpness of the Marmite works well with the soft buttery pasta

375g Dried Spaghetti
50g Salted butter
1tsp Marmite (or more if you prefer – we slightly do)
Freshly grated Parmesan to serve

The boy has woken up. He looks dreadful, but somehow glamorous as well. Put the spaghetti on to boil in plenty of salted water.

Melt the butter in a small saucepan, along with the Marmite and a tablespoon of the starchy cooking water from the pasta. Mix well. Put the boy in front of the TV.

Reserve another third of a cup of the cooking water and then drain the pasta. Add the Marmite mix and stir it through. Add some of the pasta water if you need it to help amalgamate it all together. Sprinkle over plenty of Parmesan and serve in deep bowls with a fork.

I’m not going to get sparkling conversation from the boy, but he’s slurping contentedly. I have another year of dinners ahead to chat over so I don’t mind. Sympathy today, conversation tomorrow.

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