Friday 17 August 2012

Spicy Tomato Soup with Creme Fraiche

A simple Friday night soup after a long working week. The boy has got The Iron Lady and W/E on DVD from the library so this is for trays on our laps while we enjoy the movies.

1tbsp olive oil
2tbsp red Thai curry paste
400g tinned chopped tomatoes
A pinch of sugar
150ml water
100g crème fraiche

I feel sure there must be a more complicated way of making this but I only know this easy way. Two ingredients must be the very best you can find – the tinned tomatoes (which you will by now be sick of me going on about) and the crème fraiche, which will ideally be organic, or even better, artisan.

Actually some pretty good red curry paste would make sense too. There are so few ingredients; it would be a shame not to make the most of them.

Gently fry the curry paste in the oil for a few minutes so it aromatises. Add the chopped tomatoes, adding a little water to the can and swirling it to get all the flavour out. Add the water and sugar.

Simmer for 10 minutes and then add all of the crème fraiche except for 2tbsp for garnish. Season. Stir well.

Pour into bowls and add a tbsp. of crème fraiche to garnish. We’re having ours with plenty of hot buttered toast. A mix of white and brown, though the boy only seems to eat the white! We’re both tired. Take his empty bowl away. Stroke his hair.

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