Wednesday 11 November 2015

Chinese Chicken & Sweetcorn Soup

This is the boy’s favourite Chinese soup (mine is Wonton soup). It is really easy to make – the only hard part is sourcing the creamed sweetcorn. It almost certainly has to come from a Chinese grocer. Regular frozen or canned sweetcorn just don’t do it. This is perfect for finishing off the remains of a roast chicken.

800ml chicken stock
1 400g can creamed sweetcorn
1 free range egg
75g cooked chicken meat, shredded
1/2  tsp white pepper
Salt to taste
1 spring onion finely chopped to garnish
A few drops sesame oil

Warm up the stock. Ours is shop bought. Add the salt and pepper and drop in the chicken. Shredding it is the boy’s job so he is the one who has greasy hands. Pour in the creamed sweetcorn and give it a good stir.

Bring it to the boil. Meanwhile beat an egg. You’re only using one so let it be a good one. Give the soup a vigorous stir so you get a whirlpool effect and tip the egg in. Keep stirring. You will end up with tiny threads of cooked egg through the soup. It’s ready as the chicken is already cooked.

If it isn’t thick enough, add some thickening granules or some cornflour slaked in water. I love the word slaked.

Snip the spring onions – scissors is quickest. Pour into bowls, garnish with the spring onions and add a few drops of sesame oil. It took us 10 minutes.

Sunday 8 November 2015

Lunu Miris Sambal

I quite like a recipe that is so simple, it’s barely a recipe. We got some pot sticker dim sum dumplings and I came across a version of this recipe a while ago in The Guardian and wanted to try it out. It’s good. The boy likes it too but only dips the tiniest corner in. It is hot!

1 red onion
2tbsp dried chili flakes
2 fresh red chillies
2tbsp lime juice
½ tsp salt

The onion and fresh chilli need to be finely chopped. I’m using the food processor for this as it can get it much finer than I can. I’m putting the chilli flakes in at this point too. We’re listening to a Brazilian Lounge CD which is entirely inappropriate.

Scoop it out into a bowl. Rub a lime over the worktop with the palm of your hand, quite hard, so it will release more juice. Squeeze the juice in to the onion and chilli and add the salt. See if it needs more lime juice.

Let it sit for 20 minutes and give it a stir. Happy dipping! The boy adds that this would be brilliant with grilled chicken wings.

Tuesday 3 November 2015

American Bread & Butter Pickles

The boy and I have been pickling this year’s shallots so they will be ready in time for Christmas. He keeps telling me not to cry as we will grow more next year. Har Har!
We had some spiced vinegar left over and rather than chuck it away we made bread and butter pickles with regular onions and cucumber. The boy will polish these off with corned beef sandwiches in no time.

4 cups thinly sliced small cucumbers
2 cups sliced onions
¼ cup flaky salt
A handful of ice cubes
2 cups white vinegar
1 ½ cups sugar
2tsp celery seeds
2tsp mustard seeds
1 ½ tsp turmeric

Mix the cucumber, onion and salt in a bowl. This does two things – it draws out the water and means that the mix will just suck in the vinegar. Cover with ice. I have no idea what this brings to the party but I have looked up three recipes for this and they all use it.

After 4-8 hours, drain and rinse in a colander.

Combine the vinegar, sugar, celery seeds, mustard seeds and turmeric in a pan and get it to the boil.

Sterilise the jars and pack the onion and cucumber in. Pour the hot vinegar over to cover. The turmeric makes it go a very special golden colour.

Leave it for at least two weeks for the pickling gods to do their magic.


By the way our pickled shallots were even easier. Once peeled, we salted them overnight. Then boiled up malt vinegar with dried chillies and bay leaves – roughly 3 chillies and 2 bay leaves per jar (our bay tree died so the boy pinched them from the potted ones outside our local pub). Packed the shallots into the jar, burned our fingers fishing out the bay leaves and chillies and stuffed them in. Poured over the vinegar and sealed. They need 6 weeks, so just in time for Christmas. No matter how many times we wash our hands they still smell of shallots and the kitchen smells of boiling vinegar. It will be worth it when the Christmas cheese board comes out.

Friday 23 October 2015

Spiced Pumpkin Soup

I haven’t posted in a while, My Bad, as young people say. It’s cold and wet outside and supermarkets are rolling with cheap pumpkins, getting ready for Halloween. So – pumpkin soup. It’s the boy’s favourite.
900g pumpkin (doesn’t have to be exact)
Knob of butter
1 large red onion
500 ml vegetable or chicken stock
1cm ginger root
1 stem of lemongrass
1tsp sugar
Half tsp dried chilli flakes
Salt & pepper

Pumpkin is a nightmare to peel so quarter it and roast it first. (Remove the seeds and stringy bits) That way you can just scoop out the soft flesh.

Soften the onion in the butter. Grate the ginger and finely slice the lemongrass and sauté it altogether. The boy is not a chilli fan so I add it at this stage so it has a chance to mellow a little.

Add the stock and pumpkin. It doesn’t need long as the pumpkin is already cooked. Maybe 20 minutes. Season and add the sugar. I’m using demerara but I’m letting the boy adjust the salt, pepper & sugar. He is heavy on the pepper. I approve.

Blend with a stick blender. Blend it well as lemongrass and ginger are very fibrous.

Pumpkin soup is often so thick that it can be a pumpkin puree. It’s not the way we like it so thin it down with more stock until it has the consistency you like. 

The boy likes a swirl of sour cream swirled through his (or creme fraiche if he's feeling posh). His suggestions as accompaniments – cheese on toast using baguette slices – a plain pizza cut into circles with a cookie cutter – garlic bread. We went with the cheese on toast. 

Monday 2 February 2015

Bangladeshi Karela (Bitter Gourd)

The boy has wanted to try Karela (Bitter Gourd/Bitter Melon) for ages. I think it I the knobbly skin that appeals to him. It’s an acquired taste but I love it. This is a Bangladeshi recipe.

4 bitter gourds
4 tbsp salt
3 dried red chillies
3 fresh green chillies
50g onion, chopped
½ tsp panch poran
2 garlic cloves finely chopped
4tbsp oil
1tsp turmeric
Salt to taste

Panch poran is a mix of five spices – in this case it is even amounts of cumin, fennel, fenugreek, mustard seed and nigella seed.  It has a slightly aniseed tone.

Chop the dried chilli and slice the green chilli into fine rings.

Trim the ends of the karela. Halve them lengthways and remove the seeds with a teaspoon. Chop it lengthways into little half-moons. Sprinkle with salt and then just cover with water, to create a brine. This will get some of the bitterness out. The boy approves. Why, I don’t know, since he has never tasted them. Leave for an hour and listen to some Haydn string quartets.

Drain the karela. Add the chillies, onion, garlic, panch poran and mix well.

Heat the oil in large pan. Add the turmeric and when it is warmed through; add the karela mix and more salt.

Stir fry for about 4 minutes on a fairly high heat.

We are having this with rice and an onion and tomato salad with plenty of coriander.

The boy is not 100% sure about karela. He doesn’t dislike it though and that has to be counted as a success.

Friday 16 January 2015

Tomato & Coriander Salad with Soy

I love coriander. The biggest pot outside my kitchen door is devoted to growing as much of it as I can. It’s way too early for any this year, but I’m blessed with local shops that offer huge bunches for about half the price supermarkets offer. I’m making the boy a sandwich lunch and he’s having this on the side. It’s a Bill Grainger recipe.

1tbsp light soy sauce
1tbsp Chinese black vinegar
2tsp light flavoured oil
1tsp caster sugar
6 ripe tomatoes, chopped
2 small crook cucumbers chopped
1 small red onion sliced into fine rings
A handful of fresh coriander leaves

These days it’s hard to know which tomatoes to get as supermarkets seem to offer so many with enticing names. It is hard though to find ripe ones so the trick is to look in the reduced section as these will almost certainly fit the bill and be cheaper. Win-win.

Mix the soy (I like Pearl River Bridge brand, which comes in satisfyingly large bottles), vinegar (BG says Balsamic will do), the oil and sugar. Stir until the sugar dissolves.

Chop up the veg. If the tomatoes are ripe, you will get a good deal of juice. Add this to the dressing.

Toss the veg and add the dressing and the coriander. I have roughly chopped the coriander.

The boy announces he’s hungry so he is getting some salted kettle chips with the sandwiches (one roast beef and horse radish with watercress and one double Gloucester cheese and tomato). The salad is the star though.

BG does a tomato salad with green chilli which I would like but the boy will not. Essentially sliced tomatoes, a deseeded, finely chopped green chilli with vinaigrette and salt & pepper. I’m not even telling the boy about it.